19th June 2024

Politicians of all parties frequently state that the issue of fox hunting produces some of their biggest mailbags. In this week of manifesto launches, the HSA takes a quick look at the major party’s positions on hunting.

Labour Party

The Labour Party has committed to “ban trail hunting” thereby recognising that it is a not a legitimate activity, but simply a smokescreen designed to disguise illegal hunting.

Hiding the “trail”. Image source: Three Counties Hunt Sabs & West Midlands Hunt Sabs

Green Party

The Green Party promises a “ban on all blood sports, including trail hunting” – their carefully chosen words correctly identifying that trail hunting is just another form of blood sport.

Conservative Party

The Conservative Party “will make no changes to the Hunting Act.” This has been the party’s position since Theresa May’s disastrous 2017 campaign included a pledge bring back fox hunting by repealing the Hunting Act.

The incredible U-turn in Conservative policy has been particularly painful for the likes of Countryside Alliance CEO Tim Bonner, who now has to pretend to be happy with a law that he opposed for almost two decades.

Jacob Rees-Mogg hosting a meet of the Mendip Farmers Hunt. Image source: Mendip Hunt Sabs

Reform UK

While Reform UK are yet to launch their manifesto, their website states that they will “Protect Country sports.”

Farage supporting “country sports”

Liberal Democrat and Plaid Cymru

The Liberal Democrat and Plaid Cymru manifestos make no mention of the hunting issue, thereby giving tacit approval to the widespread abuse of our wildlife under the deeply flawed Hunting Act.

One thing you can be sure of is that the fox hunters, the stag hunters, the hare hunters and the mink hunters are registered to vote – are you?


  1. Thank you for sharing.I live in the USA, however hunting is just as “popular” here.It takes a sick demented arrogant human to believe that it isFUN to be a victimizer of beautiful foxes who want to live. A SPORT is where your opponent has an equal chance of competing. Such as a heavyweight boxer fighting another.You would no put a male boxer, who was 12 years old andweighed 95 pounds, in a ring with a heavyweight adult boxerwho weighed 210 pounds. There is a logical reason for this!.Put these cowardly foxhunters in a metal cage with a liveundrugged, unchained grown bear. Give the foxhunter a swiss army knife. Cowards always choose a contest theycan win, but not this time. Thats’ a fairer fight…

  2. Trail hunting????What a laugh we all know this is just a cover yet this crap GOVERNMENT DO NOTHING, lets hope labour get in an do do something.

  3. I must admit to being lukewarm about Sir Kier. Labour normally gets my vote, but this time, like many, I’ve been wavering. Keep the Tories out, I suppose. This clinches it.

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